Things Ive read and learnt through my 16years of life;1. R
emember that great love and great achievements involve great risk
2. When you lose, dont lose the lesson
3. Follow the three Rs; respect for yourself, respect for others and responsiblity for your actions
4. Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly
6. Dont let a little dispute ruin a great friendship
7. When you realise you've made a mistake, take the immediate steps to correct it
8. Spend some time alone with God every day
9. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer
10. In disagreements with loved ones focus on fixing the current situation. Dont bring up the past.
11. Judge your success by looking at what you had to give up in order to win your achievement
12. Our attitude has the greatest impact on how life turns out
13. We cannot change the inevitable
14. The most precious gift God gives us for free is time, it cannot be bought, or traded or stopped. Once wasted you cant get it back
15. Take time to be aware of whats happening around you; its your chance to help others
16. Cherish the muisc that stires in your heart
17. Its not what you have in life that matters, its who you have thats going to count in the end
18. Hero's are people that do what has the be done. No matter the consequences
19. Maturity comes more from what kind of experiences you've had, how you've reacted and what you've learned from them, not by your age.
20. No matter how bad your heart is broken the world dosent stop for your grief
21. Always be thankful for a chanllenge as it will build your strength and character
22. People will be self-centered, arrogant and hurt you over and over again. Love them anyway
23. The greatest joy in life is; Giving to those who need it. The greatest loss in life is; loss of self-respect
24. The most beautiful asset in life is being friends with Jesus, theres nothing better then knowing.