I'm handing everything that I cant change over to God.
Youth was amazing last night! It's the first time Ive been in about 4 weeks, and there's no place i would have rather been. 9 kids decided to accept Jesus into their hearts! I felt like crying when Johno called out that number afterwards... Sometimes you wish for something so bad and it seems like God's just ignoring you but last night God touched the hearts of so many kids revealing himself as the loving, forgiving God that he is!...Steph said everything I needed to hear in Leadership training and I know that if I didn't have such a crap week I wouldn't have gone to Youth last night, and therefore missed out!
'How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?' Romans 10;14-15
Im believing for One Youth Blue Mountians City Church
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, if you allow no evil to dwell in your tent, then you will lift up your face without shame you will stand firm and without fear.
You will surely forget your troubles, re-calling it as only waters gone by.
Life will be brighter then noonday and darkness will become like morning.
You will be secure because there is hope...
God is bigger then anything we will ever face on this earth.
His love will be everlasting and his forgiveness never ending.
The challenges we face aren't always clear and the anguish of being alone is terrifying, but there is always a reason for God's seemingly delay. God has a bigger plan for my life then i ever had for myself, '....let us run with perseverance the race that was marked out for us' (Hebrews 12 vs 1)
-Strive towards your goal, impact the world. By focusing on our past we will never have a vision of hope for the future. 'I can do all things through Christ you gives me strength' (Phil 4;13)
Build your life with all you've got, the only thing we can take to heaven is people. 'For we as humans brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it' (1 timothy 6;7)
Get passionate for things that move your heart, there is no one who is unworthy for God, never lose faith in the people that seem beyond hope, no one is ever out of reach for God, HAVE FAITH and show integrity! Even in the worst situations 'For God can use the sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation' (2 Corinthians 7;10)
You will surely forget your troubles, re-calling it as only waters gone by.
Life will be brighter then noonday and darkness will become like morning.
You will be secure because there is hope...
God is bigger then anything we will ever face on this earth.
His love will be everlasting and his forgiveness never ending.
The challenges we face aren't always clear and the anguish of being alone is terrifying, but there is always a reason for God's seemingly delay. God has a bigger plan for my life then i ever had for myself, '....let us run with perseverance the race that was marked out for us' (Hebrews 12 vs 1)
-Strive towards your goal, impact the world. By focusing on our past we will never have a vision of hope for the future. 'I can do all things through Christ you gives me strength' (Phil 4;13)
Build your life with all you've got, the only thing we can take to heaven is people. 'For we as humans brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it' (1 timothy 6;7)
Get passionate for things that move your heart, there is no one who is unworthy for God, never lose faith in the people that seem beyond hope, no one is ever out of reach for God, HAVE FAITH and show integrity! Even in the worst situations 'For God can use the sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation' (2 Corinthians 7;10)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Therefore, as God's people clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues show love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3;12-14
Colossians 3;12-14
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Things Ive read and learnt through my 16years of life;
1. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk
2. When you lose, dont lose the lesson
3. Follow the three Rs; respect for yourself, respect for others and responsiblity for your actions
4. Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly
6. Dont let a little dispute ruin a great friendship
7. When you realise you've made a mistake, take the immediate steps to correct it
8. Spend some time alone with God every day
9. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer
10. In disagreements with loved ones focus on fixing the current situation. Dont bring up the past.
11. Judge your success by looking at what you had to give up in order to win your achievement
12. Our attitude has the greatest impact on how life turns out
13. We cannot change the inevitable
14. The most precious gift God gives us for free is time, it cannot be bought, or traded or stopped. Once wasted you cant get it back
15. Take time to be aware of whats happening around you; its your chance to help others
16. Cherish the muisc that stires in your heart
17. Its not what you have in life that matters, its who you have thats going to count in the end
18. Hero's are people that do what has the be done. No matter the consequences
19. Maturity comes more from what kind of experiences you've had, how you've reacted and what you've learned from them, not by your age.
20. No matter how bad your heart is broken the world dosent stop for your grief
21. Always be thankful for a chanllenge as it will build your strength and character
22. People will be self-centered, arrogant and hurt you over and over again. Love them anyway
23. The greatest joy in life is; Giving to those who need it. The greatest loss in life is; loss of self-respect
24. The most beautiful asset in life is being friends with Jesus, theres nothing better then knowing.
1. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk
2. When you lose, dont lose the lesson
3. Follow the three Rs; respect for yourself, respect for others and responsiblity for your actions
4. Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly
6. Dont let a little dispute ruin a great friendship
7. When you realise you've made a mistake, take the immediate steps to correct it
8. Spend some time alone with God every day
9. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer
10. In disagreements with loved ones focus on fixing the current situation. Dont bring up the past.
11. Judge your success by looking at what you had to give up in order to win your achievement
12. Our attitude has the greatest impact on how life turns out
13. We cannot change the inevitable
14. The most precious gift God gives us for free is time, it cannot be bought, or traded or stopped. Once wasted you cant get it back
15. Take time to be aware of whats happening around you; its your chance to help others
16. Cherish the muisc that stires in your heart
17. Its not what you have in life that matters, its who you have thats going to count in the end
18. Hero's are people that do what has the be done. No matter the consequences
19. Maturity comes more from what kind of experiences you've had, how you've reacted and what you've learned from them, not by your age.
20. No matter how bad your heart is broken the world dosent stop for your grief
21. Always be thankful for a chanllenge as it will build your strength and character
22. People will be self-centered, arrogant and hurt you over and over again. Love them anyway
23. The greatest joy in life is; Giving to those who need it. The greatest loss in life is; loss of self-respect
24. The most beautiful asset in life is being friends with Jesus, theres nothing better then knowing.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Going to church lets me breath
Going to school help's me pray for salvation for my friends
Going to youth help's me see how much young people need God
Being with William helps me love the person who truely inspires me
Seeing my leaders helps me to be encouraged
actions speak louder then words
Hanging with Jordie helps me smile as she help's me gain hope
Being with my best friends lets me laugh an see the bright side life
Looking at the past helps me seek the future
you never know what's coming
Being with my family makes me feel blessed
Knowing God has a plan for me gives me purpose
im looking forward to life
Monday, August 10, 2009

She had a husban and a son.
One night a group of men who lived in the same village came to her house in the middle of the night, set fire to everything but the front door and waited.
In desperation the family of three ran towards the front to door only the meet a cruel bashing which left them inconscience.
When the woman and her son awoke the next day they discovered the father has been taken and everything they had ever owned had been destroyed.
Many weeks pasted and no one heard or saw anything of the father.
The mother and son started to re-build their lives but in a matter of months the men who had taken the father return but this time they took the son right out of the mothers arms.
Years pasted. She was left with nothing and came to the conculsion of reality and knew she would never see them again
The goverment finally got hold of the men who had done this to the women.
They stood trial and the women appeared as a witness. The leader of the group (i cant remember his name so lets says its John) and the others who had been accountable were found guitly.
Throughout the trail John revealed that they had taken the father, and later on the son, to a palce near the river where they had tortoured and burnt them both alive. The women stood by hearing this come out of the man's mouth who had destroyed her family.
The percercution turned to the women and said what punishment are these men deserving of?
The Women paused and thought for a few minutes.
She then stood up in front of the court and said 'I only ask three things,'
John looked at the ground, this women had the power to influence the courts decision in the direction of the death penalty as punishment. No one was capable of forgiving what he had done and he knew what he deserved.
The women said firstly, I ask that im taken to the place where my only son and my husban were excercuted so that I may give them a proper burial. Secondly, I ask that this man (John) allow me to embrace him as my own, as he's a rid me of mine, he shall become my son. And thirdly I ask that he comes and walks with me every week so we might pray together and share a friendship as mother and son.
The shock of the court was unbelieveable. This women had lost everything, her husban, her only son and her house and belongings.
This women was a Christain and had an amazing sense of forgiveness that many people find impossible to grasp throughout their life time. She had a passion in her heart and everlasting trust in God which helped her gain strength and peace.
This is proberly one of the greatest and most influencial stories I have ever heard and the fact that its true and really happened helps me realise how real God is.
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