i'm so blessed with this brother..

i'm so blessed with this brother..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sometimes in life we get so side tracked on big things that we lose focus on the little things and there lost. We were never called to fit in, to conform to the world's vision on whats right and wrong. We were called for a greater purpose and a better life to what this world can offer. Everything's about following your heart... well sometimes you need to grip onto what you know, what you know hurts, what you know SHOULD come first, what you know is the answer but your too stubborn to accept it. If you don't release your tears you become a slave to your past. Don't dwell on the past; If you give what you cant change to God, you will inevitably see how God has a bigger plan for you then you ever had for yourself. 

My Prayer; Lord God see my Friends, show them there's more, that there's a greater Love then what they know now. That they needn't try to gain acceptance from the world as they were firstly accepted and loved by You. When all else fail's show them you will never give up on them and be by their side. Give them a sense of worth and value because even if they were the last person on earth you still would have sent your Son, Jesus to die for them. Watch over them throughout life, as they pursue their dreams, as they, because everyone's human, endure the pain of divorce, the pain of death of loved one's, the pain of failure, the pain of worthlessness, the pain of violence, the pain of depression, the pain of broken hearts... Lord God help them know that you are the only way to eternal happiness, that nothing will ever satisfy the pain except your amazing Love. Give me opportunities to tell them how much better Life is when your by our sides. Thank you, for everything you've blessed me with and how you've helped me turn my life around. Amen

William Hudson O'Bree: We sure have been through everything thats humanly possible. God has an amazing way for you and I cant wait to watch you grow into more of a Godly man than you already are.
Philippians 4;6-9

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