i'm so blessed with this brother..

i'm so blessed with this brother..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sadly I have endured, luckily I have gained experience.

Happiness dosen't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.-unknown

I've had so many conversations with people about God lately and the most common statement that has come up is 'This world is so bad' - If you think that then congratulations, because your right. The difference in loving God and submitting to the amazing life he has planned for you is that you don't have to face this bad world by yourself. The Person that will never leave you, the Person that has never doubted you, the Person who looks beyond all your discretions is the Person who's loves you the most. It is because of this love that you have a choice to live life by yourself, or with God. Some people decide it's not for them, I decided it the only thing for me.

There is always a choice. There is always 2 paths to take. One is easy, and it's only reward is that it is easy- unknown

My cousin's :)

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